• Charing Parish Hall


Property owned, controlled or managed by Charing Parish Council.

For additions, deletions and corrections please contact: cpclerk@btinternet.com.

List of Managed Properties

Charing Parish Hall

Location: Station Road, Charing.

Built 1890s. Previously the parish used The Victoria Hall – above the Royal Oak, The High Street, Charing. Owned by the Parish, managed and maintained by CPC.

The Cemetery – including the entrance gate and vestry.

Location: School Road, Charing.

Owned and managed/maintained by CPC.

The wall between cemetery and picnic area our property – built for us in the 1990s.. War graves are our responsibility, we are given funding by W.G.C.

Church yard of St Peter and St Paul Church

Grass cutting paid for/managed by CPC.

Piquets Meadow

Location:  A20 Maidstone Road, Charing.

Gift to Charing by brewers Style and Winch of Maidstone. Owned by village, managed by CPC. Area from A20 to just beyond Austen’s Oak – i.e. beyond the fence. Includes all play equipment and seats. A20 fence and internal fencing CPC responsibility. High brick wall not owned by CPC but properties in The High Street.

Clewards Meadow

Location: Market Place, Charing.

Registered Village Green. Grade 2 listed as is its wall surrounding it. Listed wall cannot be removed.  Owned by CPC. Public seats. Meadow has restricted use, cannot dig below turf without special permission from KCC Archaeological department.

Clewards Garden

Purchased by CPC late 1990s. Seating. Owned/managed by CPC. Double-sided noticeboard in Market Place near Clewards Garden paid for owned and managed by C.P.C.

The Charing Gardeners’ Society maintain the garden for the Parish Council

Note. Our first registered Village Green is owned by ABC and is the strip of grass between Clewards Meadow wall and The Market Place car parking area! Has copper beech tree on it.

Market Place

Owned by ABC.

Recreation Ground

Location: Leacon Lane, Westwell Leacon, Charing.

Owned and maintained by CPC.

Playing Field

Location:  Charing Heath.

Owned by CPC. Play equipment owned/managed by CPC. Heathens F.C. Play home games there with permission.

Picnic site

Location: A20, Maidstone Road, Charing.

Owned and maintained by CPC. Seating and picnic table and seats. Wall between picnic site and cemetery built and owned by CPC.

Car Park

Location: off School Road.

Long lease from ABC to CPC. CPC maintain.

Bus Shelters

At one time owned by East Kent Road Car Co and Maidstone and District but disowned by new companies. Some owned by CPC others not!

  • Hart Hill: Both belong to CPC. C/Heath side replaced as previous was stolen.
  • School Road: South and north owned by? If we want to keep them we have to maintain them!
  • Old Ashford Road: Not ours but as above maintained by us.
  • A20 Ashford bound at the Crematorium. Not ours but as above maintained by us.
  • A20 Ashford bound at Ardo. Paid for by grant and Ardo, owned by CPC
  • A20 Charing bound outside the Crematorium. Used to have one – burnt down.

Parish Notice Boards

CPC notices of agenda, minutes and others must be displayed on these boards 3 clear working days before CPC meetings.

  • Outside the Public Library. Note, framed footpaths map by library owned by KCC
  • Top of Charing Hill.
  • Leacon Lane, Westwell Leacon.
  • Charing Heath Road corner of Wind Hill.

Public Seats

  • Charing Hill – by the entrance to The Wynd.
  • The Hill.
  • Junction A20 with The High Street (2).
  • Facing roundabout at end of School Road.

Public Waste and Dog Bins

Some owned by ABC, some by CPC and some by Arthur Baker Playing Field Committee. Your Clerk knows which is which. Emptied by ABC.

With the exception of the Cemetery and Parish Hall, all the above are the responsibility of the Open Spaces committee.

The cemetery is the responsibility of the Cemetery committee.

The Parish Hall is the responsibility of the Parish Hall committee.

Public spaces not controlled by CPC

  • The Market Place and first Village Green above.
  • The Arthur Baker Playing Field – incl. the Scout Hut/Bowls Club area.
  • The Alderbeds and car park.
  • The grass area at junction of A20 and The High Street – the seats are ours though.
  • All open spaces within Charing Green.
  • Children’s play area at Hitherfield.
  • Open spaces in and around Downs Way and Sayer Road.
  • Grass verges and foot paths.

The Moat Lake

It is owned by the Parish Council and managed by The Moat Management Committee on behalf of the Parish Council and for the benefit of all residents of the Moat Estate.

Public Toilets

Old Ashford Road TN270JG

They are open seven days a week between 8am & 5 pm

Are owned and managed by the Parish Council