Highways Information & Working Group
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If you see minor highways issues – e.g. a blocked drain, a pot hole or a lamppost that is not working – the quickest way to get these dealt with is to report it via KCC’s portal at Report a problem on a road or pavement – Kent County Council For very urgent issues (likely to cause injury or death) telephone 03000 418181.
Introduction. The Parish Council Highways Committee is a mixture of councillors and other local residents. It meets at least once a quarter. Its aim is to improve, where possible, the highways situation and pedestrian and traffic safety throughout the parish. To this end it is working on a number of projects all of which are listed in the live agenda tracker. Since Kent Highways is responsible for Highways safety our work includes liaising with them and seeing where there are projects for which we can gain their support.
In 2021 we arranged traffic surveys in a number of places to give us more information. Results of these and a 2021 KCC survey are summarised in our report.
The parish council will have to cover most costs. While it has some budgeted money for Highways improvements we will be actively looking for donations for specific projects to enable more work to be done.
Update February 2024. Key current projects include:
- Reducing the speed limit on the A20 through Charing village to 30mph. However, letters to KCC on this have received disappointing replies, and constructive engagement has not been possible. It remains a key priority for us.
- “Gates” at entrances to Charing village and roundels in the roads reminding drivers of speed limits. The aim of these is to increase drivers’ awareness that they are passing through a village and to keep reminding them of the speed limit. Plans have been drawn up for the A20, the A252 and Pluckley Road. Our detailed plans are currently being reviewed by KCC engineers. A residents’ meeting has been held for Pluckley Road and we intend to hold one for A20 residents next.
- Extending the 40mph limit for Faversham Road. The 2021 survey suggested that the road met KCC criteria for a 40mph limit so design work for this is underway. A residents’ meeting in November 2023 supported the scheme. However, while we asked for the extension to go up to the parish boundary, just beyond Newlands Cottages, KCC have decided that it can only be justified as far as the Wagon and Horses. They consider there is not enough housing to justify any extension and the only reason for extending it at all is the pub.
- Monitoring Charing Crossroads and the impact of the arrangements put in place in 2022. Last Autumn the Parish Council commissioned a survey which showed around 200 vehicles a day still turning right out of Station Road. This information has been passed to KCC and to the police. KCC will be carrying out a full assessment of the impact of the changes in April (the date by which they expect to have full injury accident information for 12 months).
- The zig zag lines outside the school are not currently legally enforceable as the relevant Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has not been made. When contacted, KCC agreed to issue a TRO. However, they have since discovered other schools with a similar situation so once they have researched all affected they will issue a blanket TRO for Ashford borough.
When these are completed future projects could include gates and roundels for Charing Heath and, if possible, ways to improve traffic management in Charing village centre.
If you have any comments to make, or would like to join the group, please contact the chair, Terry Hayward,(terry@charingkent.org).
Members of Highway Committee:
Cllr. Terry Hayward(Chair)
Cllr. Carrie Allen
Cllr. Stephen Woodbridge
Nick Austen
Colin Burns
Vicky Ellis
Jill Leyland
Sue Lowen
Nigel Pickford