Land South of the Swan Application 20/00508/AS

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Outline Planning Permission was granted for this development in April 2019. That gave permission for the principle of the site being developed with up to 135 dwellings and for the access to the A20. This “reserved matters” application covers everything else: layout, type of housing etc.  Ashford’s website (see link above) has all the detailed information submitted by the developer and is where you should post any comments you have that you wish the planners to take into consideration.

Countryside, who are developing this site, would normally hold an exhibition but this is not possible under current circumstances.

The Parish Council objected to the principle of this site being developed but out objections were overruled. The aim now is to try to get the best possible development on the site.

CPC Objection May 2020: Charing Parish Council wishes to thank John Duncalfe, Simon Lake, Jacky Langton and Lucy Simmons for the substantial help they gave in discussions and in compiling this objection. The note remains the responsibility of the Parish Council and reflects Parish Council views.